Mar 8, 2023 - 2 min read

Gender-Based Violence (GBV)

GBV Response to the crises in Somalia is a project funded by NCA and implemented by CeRID.  The Overall Goal of the Project is to save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity by empowering women and girls to use their VOICES and access the SERVICES and information they require to live safe and DIGNIFIED lives and be SAFE from harm. Specially the project aims that SGBV Survivors access life-saving, specialized SGBV services appropriate and relevant to their immediate needs. The project mainly focuses on Adolescent Girls of two schools (Sinai primary and Luuq secondary schools) in Luuq district Supported by NCA education program. Girls are most at risk experiencing GBV compared to men/boys in their schools and hence need to be empowered   to protect themselves. The project encourages adolescent girls and women to make use the safe spaces where they can meet for discussion, support assistance including psychological support and case management for survivors of GBV. It also Provide an entry point to strengthen girls’ retention in Schools.

 Currently the project supported adolescent girls in schools, women and girls from Jazira IDPs which is conducted in the two safe spaces managed by CeRID. The safe spaces provide girls and women opportunity to access gender-based violence information and other necessary information, links to services, skill-building, peer connection, and support. The safe spaces established to facilitate access to information and services in a way that is safe, culturally appropriate and accessible to adolescent girls, particularly those who face higher levels of marginalization, such as girls with disabilities, especially those who are an imminent risk of CEFM.  

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